Virtual Spaces Enduser Documentation

Step 2 - Export Module Categories

You can export module categories as SKOS file. This step will explain how you export the module categories you imported in step 1.
  1. From the main menu select Project >> Export Module Categories as SKOS.

  2. A wizard opens. The first page of the wizard lets you choose what method should be used for the export. Choose one and click Next.
  3. The next page asks you for a base URL for the resulting SKOS file and a schemeName. Change the given suggestions as desired and click Next.
  4. Finally, you can enter a filename for the SKOS file that will be generated and you have to choose a folder where the file should be saved to. When you've done click Finish. You will find a SKOS file with your module categories in the specified folder.
If you want change the structure of the SKOS file that will be created or add/delete something etc. you can modify the template that is used when selecting the template-based export method. To do that do the following:
  1. Export your module categories as described above choosing SKOS/OWL (template based) on page one of the export wizard.
  2. After you've done that you will find a folder called "de.mpiwg.vspace.skos.oaw" in your project folder. This folder contains a file called "GenerateSKOSTemplate.xpt". Modify this template file as desired. The template file is a Xpand-template; see the Xpand reference for further information.
  3. Export your module categories again using the template based method.