Virtual Spaces Enduser Documentation

Step 1 - Getting Started

Before we start with this tutorial, here is a list of tips on how to use Virtual Spaces MWN.
  1. In this tutorial, this is called the main menu:

  2. The Virtual Space window consists of several parts called "views". The size of a view can be changed by moving the borders between the views.

  3. A view can be maximized and minimized again by double-clicking on its tab.

  4. You can save your project with the shortcut key cmd-S or by selecting File >> Save/Save All from the main menu.
    Save your project regularly!
Now, let's start. If you haven't done tutorial 1, you can download the zipped project here. Then, unzip the project.
  1. Open Virtual Spaces by double-clicking on its application symbol.
  2. Choose a workspace. A workspace is a folder in your file system that contains your virtual space projects. First time you work with Virtual Spaces, you should create a new folder (for example in your home directory) and use this folder as workspace. If you did tutorial 1, choose the same workspace that you used before.

  3. VSpace should now look like this:

    If you did tutorial one, open the project you've created in tutorial one and continue with step 2.

  4. From the main menu choose Project >> Import.... A dialog opens.

  5. Select the project you've downloaded and unzipped using the Browse... button.

  6. Click Next. Enter a name for the new project (e.g. Tutorial2).
  7. Click Finish
  8. After the project was opened, click into the scene diagram to activate the editor. You know that the an editor is active when its tab is blue.

  9. Use the zoom pull-down menu in the right upper corner to zoom out, so that you can see all elements in the diagram (25% should work).

Continue with step 2.