Virtual Spaces Enduser Documentation

Creating Branching Points

To create a Branching Point the Module Editor for the Module the new Branching Point shall belong to must be opened. In the column where the Branching Points are listed click on the add button (see image below). A new Branching Point is added to the list of Branching Points. See here for further information on Branching Points.

Basically a Branching Point has the same properties as a Slide. See here how to edit these properties. In addition there are two more properties. See below how to modify these ones.

Number of Columns of Choices

Enter a number greater than or equal to 1. This number defines in how many columns the Branching Point Choices are arranged.

Branching Point Choices

A Branching Point has below the list of images and the list of texts a list of Branching Point Choices (see image below).

To add a new Branching Point Choice press the corresponding button (green bordered). To delete a Branching Point Choice select it and press the delete button (red bordered). To edit title or Sequence of a Branching Point Choice, select the Branching Point Choice and use the property fields in the Properties View. When a Sequence is selected an arrow appears in front of the Branching Point Choice. Click on this arrow to see the selected Sequence. Use the up and down button on the right side of the list to specify the Branching Point Choice order.